- NAIE: Then, Now, and Beyond
- Boys Town EIPA Updates
- Allyship for Educational Interpreters: What It Is and What It Isn’t
Previously recorded webinars that were included in the Summer Camp 2021 Sessions (also available in video archive):
- Star, Power, Attraction: Atronomy, Physics, and Chemisty in ASL
- Teacher Discourse & Student Engagement: Two Pieces of the Puzzle
Coming Soon:
- Foster Beneficence, Prevent Harm: The NAIE Code of Ethics for Educational Interpreters
A reminder about NAIE Webinars re: Technology – NAIE recommends a desktop or laptop computer for an optimal Zoom experience. Mobile devices including cell phones and tablets have limited viewing options and are not recommended for accessing NAIE virtual events. NAIE does not guarantee technical support during an event. For more help, visit the Zoom Help Center.
Five Year Anniversary Celebration – June 26
NAIE: Then, Now, and Beyond
9:00am – 10:30am Pacific, 10-11:30 Mountain, 11-12:30 Central, 12-1:30 Eastern
NAIE invites you to join us in celebration of our 5-year anniversary by taking a journey into the past, present, and future. The Board of Directors will share highlights from our humble beginnings, various accomplishments, and our vision of NAIE’s impact in the years to come. As we continue to address the various unique challenges facing the field, NAIE is dedicated to supporting interpreters in the pursuit of professional excellence and enhancing the field through standard and professional practices.
Presented by: NAIE Board of Directors
You can watch by either joining the Zoom webinar or by watching a live stream of the presentation on our Facebook page. Zoom access (including participating in any Q&A) and CEUs are limited to current members; Facebook live stream open to the public. Attendance in the Zoom will be limited to the first 1,000 members to login.
This event is approved for 0.15 General Studies RID CEUs.

Meet and Greet Luncheon
10:45am – 11:30am Pacific, 11:45-12:30 Mountain, 12:45-1:30 Central, 1:45-2:30 Eastern
This meet and greet opportunity is for all members to engage with their State Ambassadors, Board of Directors, and NAIE volunteers to explore ways to connect and network locally, and learn more about volunteer opportunities with NAIE.
This event will be conducted in ASL.

Boys Town EIPA Updates
12:00pm – 1:30pm Pacific, 1-2:30 Mountain, 2-3:30 Central, 3-4:30 Eastern
Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, the Boys Town National Research Hospital’s Educational Interpreter Performance Assessment (EIPA) Diagnostic Center has been diligently working to support educational interpreters, hiring entities, states, and other stakeholders. The Center will be presenting updates regarding testing as well as information on new products and services being offered. A brief Q&A time will be available at the end of the presentation for participants to ask questions. Join us and learn more about these exciting opportunities from Boys Town!
Presented by: Cathy Carotta, Frances Beaurivage, and Brenda Schick
Attendance in the Zoom will be limited to the first 1,000 members to login.
This event is approved for 0.15 General Studies RID CEUs.

Teacher Discourse & Student Engagement: Two Pieces of the Puzzle

July 1
10:00am – 12:00pm Pacific, 11-1 Mountain, 12-2 Central, 1-3 Eastern
Interpreting in K-12 educational settings is complex and traditional interpreter training has rarely explored the macrostructure of educational discourse, which includes both teacher and student discourse, to help interpreters comprehend the ways language is used in classroom interactions. This often leaves interpreters struggling to put the pieces together. The aim of this workshop is for participants to analyze how teachers use purposeful language to achieve their teaching outcomes and engage students in the learning experience. At the end of the workshop, interpreters will have new strategies to engage in active preparation for effective classroom interpreting and a plan of action for implementing new approaches to their interpreting work in schools.
Presented by: Jen Hayes
This is a previously recorded NAIE member-only webinar that is being shown again at this scheduled time as an opportunity to receive a certificate of attendance or CEUs if you did not originally. RID CEUs will only be processed for those that did not attend this webinar when it was previously presented live.
Pre-registration has a limit of 1,000 members.
This event is approved for 0.2 Professional Studies RID CEUs.
Member Meetup Monday | Self-Care and Interpreting: An Open Dialogue
July 12
12:00pm – 1:00pm Pacific, 1-2 Mountain, 2-3 Central, 3-4 Eastern
Through peer-to-peer guided discussions, participants will have the opportunity to brainstorm, share ideas, and network with colleagues on ways to improve self care in their daily work and home life. From physical, mental, and emotional self-care techniques, topics will focus on how educational interpreters can engage in practices necessary to thrive as an interpreter.
This discussion will be conducted in ASL only.
Registration has a limit of 1,000 members.
This event is approved for 0.1 Professional Studies RID CEUs.

Allyship for Educational Interpreters: What It Is and What It Isn’t

July 17
9:00am – 1:00pm Pacific, 10-2 Mountain, 11-3 Central, 12-4 Eastern
This 4-hour training workshop focuses on how to recognize Allyship behaviors, knowledge, and the fundamentals of doing allyship work within an educational setting. More specifically, what it is and what it isn’t for Educational Interpreters. Participants will explore how biases and stereotypes form, do self-analysis, and consider how these factors may impact their work toward appreciating what Allyship is for educational interpreters. Participants will have hands-on opportunities to practice with a variety of scenarios representing racism, oppression, and powerisms–while further developing their individual basic Allyship knowledge.
Presented by: Dr. Suzette Garay, Jolanta Galloway, and Jennifer Gibbons
Attendance in the Zoom will be limited to the first 1,000 members to login.
This event is approved for 0.4 Professional Studies RID CEUs.
STAR, POWER, ATTRACTION: Astronomy, Physics, and Chemistry in ASL
July 29
4:00pm – 6:00pm Pacific, 5-7 Mountain, 6-8 Central, 7-9 Eastern
How do you interpret a chemistry class? Describe the Newton Laws of Motion? What’s the sign for a black hole? How can you visually describe chemical reactions? This workshop will help participants develop general tools for dealing with specialized vocabulary in astronomy, chemistry, and physics, and to broaden the use of their already developed skills to turn jargon into understandable and sign-able concepts.
Presented by: Crom Saunders
This webinar is presented in ASL only.
This is a previously recorded NAIE member-only webinar that is being shown again at this scheduled time as an opportunity to receive a certificate of attendance or CEUs if you did not originally. RID CEUs will only be processed for those that did not attend this webinar when it was previously presented live.
Pre-registration has a limit of 1,000 members.
This event is approved for 0.2 Professional Studies RID CEUs.

Member Meetup Monday | Self-Care and Interpreting: An Open Dialogue

August 2
5:00pm – 6:00pm Pacific, 6-7 Mountain, 7-8 Central, 8-9 Eastern
Through peer-to-peer guided discussions, participants will have the opportunity to brainstorm, share ideas, and network with colleagues on ways to improve self care in their daily work and home life. From physical, mental, and emotional self-care techniques, topics will focus on how educational interpreters can engage in practices necessary to thrive as an interpreter.
This session will be conducted in ASL – this is a change from what was previously advertised.
Pre-registration has a limit of 1,000 members.
This event is approved for 0.1 Professional Studies RID CEUs.
Foster Beneficence, Prevent Harm: The NAIE Code of Ethics for Educational Interpreters
August 14
9:00am – 1:00pm Pacific, 10-2 Mountain, 11-3 Central, 12-4 Eastern
In 2019, the NAIE formed a Code of Ethics Task Force with various stakeholders to write, review, and publish a code of ethics that reflects the work specific to educational interpreters. This workshop will include a presentation about the development of the Educational Interpreter Code of Ethics (EICOE), a presentation of the tenets, and then break-out groups for discussing ethical scenarios with a values-based ethical framework.
Attendance in the Zoom will be limited to the first 1,000 members to login.
This event is approved for 0.4 Professional Studies RID CEUs.
Recording will be of lecture portion only and will not include breakout discussions.