Leilani Johnson Leadership Award
Leilani Johnson Leadership Award History
In June 2016, at the NAIE inaugural national conference, the Board of Directors announced the establishment of the Leilani Johnson Leadership Award (LJLA) by presenting Dr. Leilani Johnson with the award. Dr. Johnson has been a visionary, champion, and leader in the field of educational interpreting for over 25 years. Annually, this award is granted to an interpreter working in education who exemplifies the leadership qualities that Dr. Johnson has demonstrated throughout her career. Nominated by their peers, the award recipient will receive a commemorative plaque and recognition from NAIE.
Characteristics of exemplary service will be evident by:
- leadership in the field of educational interpreting
- modeling of professionalism
- continued participation in professional development
- advocacy for appropriate working conditions for educational interpreters
- continued focus on excellence in services for the benefit of deaf, hard of hearing, and deafblind students
The specific work settings of educational interpreters can vary greatly (e.g., mainstream schools, deaf schools, general education classrooms, special education classrooms, postsecondary courses, etc). Priority consideration will be given to those who interpret in a PK-12 setting. However, postsecondary interpreter nominations will be considered as well.
To ensure full consideration of the nomination, nominees must be
- a member in good standing of NAIE;
- an interpreter with at least 5 years of experience as an educational interpreter working in an PK-12 or postsecondary educational setting; and
- a person who has shown characteristics of exemplary service and leadership.
Nominees cannot be a current member of the NAIE Board of Directors.
Nominations will be submitted through an online application, and must include:
- Both the nominator’s and nominee’s complete name and contact information. (Note: the nominator cannot be the same as the nominee)
- Nominators are not required to be NAIE members, but nominees must be a member in good standing to be considered.
- A letter in written English (max. 300 words) and/or ASL video (max. 3 minutes), detailing the nominee’s background, experience, and leadership in the field of educational interpreting.
Thank you for your support! Congratulations to this year's winner!
2023 Winner of the Leilani Johnson Leadership Award

Kat Miller
More Information Coming Soon!
Past Recipents
Jodi Upton
View The Award Slideshow
Read Jodi’s Nomination Letters
“Perhaps Jodi’s most outstanding contribution to the field of sign language interpreting, is her co-creation and founding of The Southeast Interpreters Network (SEIN), a group that provides free monthly professional development for interpreters across the southeast region of the United States. Jodi works tirelessly on this endeavor and because of her efforts, hundreds of interpreters have and continue to improve their knowledge and skills which ultimately leads to improved interpreting service for individuals who are Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, and Deaf-Blind. Jodi is the ideal candidate for the Leilani Johnson Leadership in Educational Interpreting Award. You cannot find a better recipient.”
Colleen Ticherich
Read Colleen’s Nominations Letters
“(Colleen) has always demonstrated leadership in the field of educational interpreting. Not only by her ASL expertise, skill and proficiency with quality interpreting but also her relentless pursuit of accountability and change among Ohio Educational interpreters. Colleen is not satisfied with the status quo in Ohio and has been actively involved in numerous committees that have been pursuing a transformation within the Educational system as it pertains to interpreters. Colleen doesn’t shy away from shedding light on the issues in Ohio and promoting the stance that educational interpreters need standards and valid accountability. She is a strong advocate for deaf children and their right to have quality competent interpreters. I can’t wait to see the fruits of her labor as lawmakers get on board. Colleen wears many hats and since I am restricted by 300 words, I won’t get into great detail of her other accolades. Briefly, she has mentored numerous interpreting practicum students and spearheaded/ran an amazing annual Deaf art show, while interpreting full time and pursuing her Masters degree. In a nutshell, I hope you candidly consider Colleen Ticherich and all of her accomplishments that have greatly impacted and benefited educational interpreters and the deaf community on a whole.”
Melissa Barg
Award Presentation Video
Beverly Bruce
South Carolina
“Beverly is the most considerate and professional Interpreter Coordinator that I have encountered. She is always looking for solutions that will encourage the student to be served in the best possible way for each need they may have. She advocates for the whole team to provide the best possible education for the student. For more than 30+ years she has served as an interpreter herself, and now it has come full circle as she interprets for Deaf parents whom she served as students. Whenever I need to ask for anything Beverly is there to answer any questions or just support me through any situation. Beverly is admired and respected in the Deaf community and even people outside of schools can only beam from ear to ear when her name is mentioned. Outside of school, she has served and interpreted for teenagers and for situations that have gone above and beyond. Beverly has served students from football fields to travel on field trips out of state. Beverly is exemplary in how she can share her passion for the ASL language with joy and do whatever it takes to advocate for it. I’m sure there are many places that she has served that I do not know of, because she is humble and does not broadcast her accomplishments. As she nears the end of her career, it has taken a toll on her hands and she has never complained of the pain or numbness that now can only be helped with either surgery or alternative measures. Her professional actions as an interpreter are not clouded by her personal life. If you are ever given the opportunity to meet Beverly Bruce you will be encouraged as a person, regardless if you are Deaf or hearing. I am just so thankful that I live in the same town and can work under her leadership.” “She has gone beyond her job’s description. Her love for the students, former students and the deaf community is so evident when she is with them. She believes in their abilities and helps them in any way she can. She gives them individual attention such as study time or studying for a driver’s license, she’s gone on numerous field trips, and zillions of football practices for many years. She believe in ASL as their beautiful language. She is a strong advocate for them. There isn’t a single person in this area who doesn’t know her. She is dearly respected and loved.”
“Stetson is one that others in the educational interpreting field look up to. Not only is he personable, but he exhibits many of the qualities of a mentor and leader. There is no question regarding the fact that Stetson is a leader. Stetson’s knowledge and experience are of great value to those he comes in contact with. Both mainstream staff, as well as those involved in the D/HH program in which he currently works look to him for guidance, support, and clarification. Stetson is extremely knowledgeable about Deaf culture, community, and the field of interpreting, and he is highly skilled at educating others on the aforementioned topics. As a team, he brings a comforting and encouraging presence and is always ready to provide interpretation assistance when needed. As well, Stetson is a life-long learner and values professional development. He often sacrifices his time in order to participate in workshops pertaining to the field of interpreting, more specifically, educational interpreting. Stetson is the epitome of flexible; he has experience in a variety of grade levels and is willing to accept interpreting assignments of diverse subject matter. There are circumstances which require Stetson to interpret at schools in the district which he is not currently assigned to, as he is the only male interpreter in the district. When these instances arise, he treats them with the same resoluteness he would his everyday assignments. Stetson puts his all into each and every assignment. He takes job preparation seriously, as he knows that being as prepared as possible will only aid his interpretations, which in turn gives students the best access to their educations. In addition to being flexible in regards to scheduling and subject matter, Stetson also has the ability to adjust his language mode and signing style to best fit his students. Stetson is continually engaged with his students in order to determine the need for expansion or language modification. The students he works with appreciate this quality, as well as his advocacy for them. Stetson discusses certain demands and controls with students and allows them to be part of the decision making process, when appropriate. He also thinks ahead, and takes these demands and controls into consideration when students are removed from the classroom, such as fields trips and assemblies. Students for whom Stetson interprets feel valued and are able to develop relationships with their mainstream teachers, alongside their peers, as a result of Stetson’s advocacy and the professional relationships he forms with his colleagues.”
Marilyn has been an educational interpreter for over twenty years and has made a significant difference in the field by becoming a mentor to both emerging interpreters entering the field as well as working colleagues. She dedicates time during the school day, and even after school hours, supporting interpreters to reach their full potential so they can provide quality services to the deaf and hard of hearing students. Marilyn is professional, ethical, and goes to bat for the needs of interpreters. She provides in-services to the educational team so that they have a better understanding of the work of an educational interpreter and she is an advocate for deaf students.
Dr. Leilani Johnson
In June 2016, at the NAIE inaugural national conference, the Board of Directors announced the installation of the Leilani Johnson Leadership Award by presenting Leilani with the award. Leilani has been a visionary, champion and leader in the field of educational interpreting for over 25 years. This award, named in Leilani Johnson’s honor, will be presented annually to an interpreter working in education that exemplifies the leadership qualities that Johnson has demonstrated during her career.