Board Members

About the NAIE Board

The NAIE Board will act on behalf of the association by actively participating in organizational planning and decision making, acting as trustees, and ensuring a sustainable future by practicing sound, ethical, and legal governance.

The NAIE Bylaws outline minimum qualifications to be a board member while the Policies and Procedures Manual (PPM) describes roles, responsibilities, and expertise necessary for each board position to fulfill NAIE’s mission. 

Board Members

Deborah Cates, Ph.D


Dr. Cates (Deb) is the Sign Language Program Coordinator at the Iowa School for the Deaf. She oversees staff sign language development, the administration of the SLPI program, and educational interpreter professional development in the state of Iowa. Deb has a Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of California, Davis, where she studied sign language structure and processing under Dr. David Corina. She has a long-time affiliation with Gallaudet University’s Science of Learning Center on Visual Language and Visual Learning (VL2). Her research interests include the relationship between form and meaning in signed languages, bilingual education, and the cognitive demands of simultaneous interpreting. She actively develops research-based practices for interpreter skill development. Deb also holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Deaf Studies with an Interpreting Emphasis and a Master's degree in Linguistics from California State University, Northridge. She has been in the field of educational interpreting in middle school, high school and university settings since 2003. She is a licensed interpreter in the state of Iowa with her EIPA score of 4.7 in Secondary PSE, as well as a licensed interpreter in the state of Nebraska with her Mid-America QAST Level V in Interpreting.




Kalen Beck (she/her)

BA, CI and CT

Kalen brings more than 30 years of language access expertise to the field as a nationally certified interpreter, a consultant, national presenter, and formal mentor to community and educational interpreters. Kalen earned her degree in Interpreter Education from George Mason University with a focus on teaching adult learners. Additionally, Kalen provides consultative services on topics such as language access, disability access, health literacy, and cultural readiness. Her business expertise comes from experience in executive level positions within the interpreting industry, healthcare, government, and private sector. Kalen has served on numerous language access boards in a variety of roles. She currently resides outside Reno, Nevada with her husband and her adorable dog, Thor.

Allyson Caruthers

Membership Director

Allyson currently holds a QAST, Elementary EIPA 3.1 & Secondary 3.6 and an Arkansas license. After graduating from The University of Arkansas at Little Rock with her BA in ASL/English Interpretation, she has gone on to work in the local Deaf community in Arkansas. She is also a Support Service Provider (SSP) through Arkansas Rehabilitation Services (ARS) for individuals who are DeafBlind. Allyson has worked in a variety of settings. Currently, she works as an Educational Interpreter for a public school district in Central Arkansas. Her favorite setting to interpret is Education and working with the DeafBlind community. Allyson currently serves on several committees for the Arkansas Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (ARID). Allyson serves on the DeafBlind Camp Planning Committee for Arkansas DeafBlind Community (ADBC). Allyson currently lives in Central Arkansas. She has a Bearded Dragon named Anderson and two dogs, Levi and Rudy.

Karen King

Professional Development Director

Karen is a certified interpreter (NIC) SODA (Sibling of a Deaf Adult) from Portsmouth, Virginia, with almost 30 years of educational interpreting experience and over fifteen years of video relay interpreting experience. She graduated from Danville Community College's Weekend Educational Interpreter Training (WEIT) in 2004 and Regent University with a Bachelor of Arts and Biblical and Theological Studies in 2022 (Magna Cum Laude 3.96). She is currently pursuing a Masters in Liberal Arts from Rutgers University.

Anne Donnelly

Credentialing Director

Anne is an Educational Interpreter for Cincinnati Public Schools and an Adjunct Instructor at Cincinnati State's ITP. She serves on various committees working to establish or raise interpreter standards in the state of Ohio. Anne graduated from the University of Arizona with a degree in Speech and Hearing Sciences, and from Cincinnati State with a degree in Interpreting. She is a licensed interpreter through the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce, and her EIPA score is a 4.6 in Elementary ASL with an EIPA Knowledge Test certificate.

State Ambassadors

The State Ambassador program is sunset effective April 1, 2024. 


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