
NAIE Webinars are a great way for you to polish up your professional skills.


  • NAIE has partnered with a professional and reputable captioning company for this project. However, if captioning errors are identified, please email info@naiedu.org.
  • Our goal is to provide ASL access for past and future webinars. We ask if any deaf or hard of hearing member would like to request a specific webinar that has not been interpreted to contact info@naiedu.org. Include the name of the specific webinar to help us with prioritizing your request.
  • All video and media content is the property of NAIE. Unauthorized use, copying, alteration, distribution, or display of these materials is prohibited.

Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

NAIE is able to offer CEUs for live webinar sessions only at this time.  If you are interested in earning CEUs from watching webinar recordings, contact an RID CMP Sponsor about Independent Study options for obtaining CEUs. CMP Sponsor rates may apply and fees may vary. 

Interested in presenting a webinar?

Please contact NAIE’s Professional Development Director at profdevelopdir@naiedu.org



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