Rhode Island

Standards for Permanent Credential

Date Information Last Verified: 03/12/2023

The standards listed below reflect the minimum requirements to work as an educational interpreter in this state.

  • Pre-Service Education: Coursework in ASL, Deaf Culture, and Code of Ethics OR Pass RID Written Exam
  • Skill Verification:  Community License: RID Certification; Educational License: RID Certification AND EIPA 4.0, OR Ed:K-12
  • Knowledge Verification:  EIPA:WT for educational license
  • Renewal Timeline: Annual
  • Continuing Education: 5 Hours Annually
  • Additional Comments: 

Standards for Provisional Credential

  • Is a provisional credential available? Of limited duration determined by the board
  • What is required for the provisional credential? State screening AND either pass RID written OR show proof of coursework in ASL, Deaf Culture, and the Code of Ethics
  • How long can one hold a provisional credential? N/A

State Resources

For a list of current NAIE State Ambassadors click here.

For a list of currently available programs in your state visit the Conference of Interpreter Trainers (CIT) website.


Contact info@naiedu.org to update or correct the information above. 

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