Hi subscriber,

Welcome to the February issue of our newsletter!

NAIE Updates

A Note from the President:
February is Black History Month. I always tell my interpreting students that "you have to know stuff about things" as an interpreter. As a white interpreter, that means I need to educate myself on Black history. I need to educate myself on it from the perspective of Black people, not just from the perspective of people who look like me. Then, that education needs to influence my actions. I need to SEE my Black colleagues. I need to LISTEN to their stories and experiences. I need to SUPPORT them. In honor of Black History Month, consider joining, donating to, following, or supporting the following Black Deaf and Black interpreter organizations and businesses. There is no better way to learn stuff about things!

Diversity Academy for Interpreters
If I'm Honest Podcast by Keisha Osborne
Pro Bono ASL
List of Black Deaf Businesses Courtesy of the Black Deaf Center

National Black Deaf Advocates
National Alliance of Black Interpreters (Facebook Page)
National Alliance of Black Interpreters in Washington, D.C.
National Alliance of Black Interpreters in Atlanta
National Alliance of Black Interpreters in Detroit
National Alliance of Black Interpreters in Chicago
Black Deaf Center

Upcoming Events

Greetings from the Professional Development Committee!! Thank you to the members who attended our January webinar, "Tangential Interpreting: Utilizing Tetris to Enhance your Processing," with Thomas J. Thomas. We hope you were able to apply some of the strategies and thought processes discussed to your work!

Save the date for our March 16th webinar "How does Color-Blind Ideology Impact the Interpreting Profession" with David Player.

Tool of February

Are you frustrated with the new Apple update with reactions showing up in your video meeting? Here are the details of what that is, and how to turn it off. Apple - reactions (Facetime, Zoom, other video platforms) https://youtu.be/KRpEbza4_Lc?si=-nHV_qlQ6Wpg_Ttu and https://youtu.be/PhnDdPhHUK8?si=_AAPXFVK3uDRf5GF
here is Deafies in Drag response video (from instagram) about the new reactions: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1Ncqqwxf2Y/?igsh=dTVlbzlsN2t1Mndi

External Events

AAITE (American Association of Interpreters and Transliterators in Education) invites you to participate in a research study regarding educational interpreting. Please respond by March 1st, 2024. More information is provided here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nU6Ppf4hEgkJfNWEzWIGtpjGVnQcGvpK/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=118392487082162938277&rtpof=true&sd=true

Low Cost Workshop on Language Deprivation: Louisiana Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf(LRAD) is having a workshop on Saturday February 24 via Zoom for Educational Interpreters. Please see the flyer below or http://www.lrid.org/ for more information.
Thanks for reading. See you soon!

NAIE Board and State Ambassadors